There are a variety of supplemental coverage options that we can offer to meet your needs.
GAP (hospital indemnity) plans do just that…help fill in the GAP of your insurance and help in covering your “out-of-pocket” costs. (expenses for medical care that aren’t reimbursed by insurance)

According to plan guidelines, this may include expenses related to general medical care, hospital, accidents, maternity, surgery, and some wellness. 

  • Ages: 0-64
  • Plans available for individuals and families
  • Some plans include TELADOC & RX discounts
  • Various plans are guaranteed issue and others require good health in order to qualify
  • You choose your doctor/hospital
HEALTH MATCHING ACCOUNTS (HMA) can be used to help pay for out-of-pocket medical expenses that are not covered by your health insurance provider.
You can use a HMA for most essential medical expenses such as dental and vision costs, as well as deductibles, copays, and more!
(The HMA is not health insurance.)
To learn more click HERE.